Friday 7 October 2016

Hair loss treatment Alopecia Prevention Reasons

Hair loss treatment - Hair loss is known as alopecia. Everyone loses hair every day is a normal part of aging. They generally lose between 50 to 100 hairs a day. At least 100,000 hairs on his head, this loss is not too much. Hair also goes through stages of growth and rest. The growth phase typically lasts about two or three years, a period in which the hair grows about one centimeter per month. The resting phase lasts about three to four months. At the end of this phase the hair fall out and are replaced by follicles. Baldness, hair loss or loss of volume occurs when the amount of hair lost exceeds the growth rate. It also happens when the new hair is thinner than is lost.

Hair loss treatment

There are several types of alopecia, each with their cause.
Alopecia androgenic hair. This decreases the growth pattern of hair growth and hair are not as thick as before, plus their roots are closer to the surface, which makes it fall more easily.
Heredity plays an important role, and if you have a history of alopecia on either side of the family, increases the risk of having it.

Cicatricial alopecia. Is caused by damage and inflammation in the hair follicle. Having wounded the body tries to repair the skin healing. These scars, however, do not develop follicles suitable for the growth of new hair. Skin diseases such as lupus and lichen planus produce this type of alopecia. It is not known because the cause of such damage occurring, or inflammation.

Alopecia areata. Most doctors qualify as autoimmune disease, although there is no known cause for this. What happens is that the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles by reducing its growth. Are viruses which detonate the situation but why they attack the hair follicles are still unknown. If you suffer from alopecia areata, please note that hair grows back but the cycle of hair growth occurs and more than usual.

Changes in the normal cycle of hair. Changes may be the product of an emotional or physical shock. Hair loss can happen after a month or two. This type of alopecia usually disappears when the causes of physical or emotional disorder disappear, but it may take months for that to happen.
Traction alopecia. Occurs when the hair is pulled too causing scarring on the scalp and permanent damage to the roots. Common causes are the hairstyles and hairdressing.

There are also more general causes of hair loss:
* Poor nutrition
* Medical treatment
* Diseases
* Hormonal changes
* Treatments and hair styles
* Infections of the scalp

Hair loss Prevention

How to stop hair loss
You can not stop the hair loss but there are treatments that promote hair growth. There are also certain types of alopecia that disappear without any treatment. Consider medication. The effectiveness of drugs for hair loss depends on the type of alopecia you have, the length of your hair and cradles you receptive to medication.

Hair Loss Treatment For Men

The different types of medication to prevent hair loss are:
* Minoxidil
* Finasteride
* Anthralin

Consult your physician to find out more about medicines used to stop hair loss.

Other treatments
Surgery. Maybe you can consider hair transplants. The surgeon will take hair from another part of your head and the deployment of roots in the place where you lose hair. Please note that you must consult a specialist surgeon.

Use wigs. If surgery or treatments do not work, you can use a wig or a toupee to cover the bald. For best results choose those made from real hair.


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